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A Life’s Cost

Health is the most important aspect for a person to complete their life successfully and happily. If you are not healthy, you can't live happily nor can complete your life. To maintain good health we should take care of it and when we are not healthy we need good healthcare. But now healthcare is so expensive that you can not cure your diseases; for a person who works with daily wages healthcare is beyond one's reach.

Health and Healthcare

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It includes our physical state as well as our mental and social behaviour. Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of the disease, illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments in people.

Why is healthcare unaffordable

The problem of affordability is fundamentally a problem of cost. According to WHO, at least half of the world’s population can't obtain essential health services and each year, larger and larger number of households are being pushed into poverty because they must pay for health care out of their own pockets.

There are many reasons why healthcare is getting expensive like,

  1. Medical providers are paid for quantity, not quality: Most insurers including Medicare-pay doctors, hospitals and other medical providers under a fee -for-service system that reimburses for each test, procedure or visit. That means the more services provided, the more fees are paid. This encourages a high volume of redundant testing and overtreatment, including on patients that have questionable potential to improve their health.

  2. The newer the techniques, the more the expenses: Advancement in medical side can increase our treatment quality but this advancement also increases the cost of healthcare and the overutilization of expensive technology.

  3. No information about medical care and it’s costs: Today we may have some information on online platform but there is no uniform or quick way to understand treatment options and the costs associated with them.

  4. Hospitals and provided are well-positioned to demand higher prices: According to the Center for Studying Health System Change, mergers and partnerships between medical providers and insurers is one of the more prominent trends in current healthcare systems.

  5. Doctors establishing their own hospitals and clinics: According to latest scenario, doctors are opening their own clinics and hospitals after completing their study, they do not want to work in government hospitals because their they get fixed income and by opening their own they can take money from the patient by their wish.

  6. Government hospitals not having all facilities: Government hospitals are not well equipped with all the machines that are needed for a treatment. For these tests they send the patient to private labs where they have to pay high expenses.

Ways to make healthcare affordable and Save life:-

  • By providing better facilities

  • By regulating doctor’s fee and ensuring that they work in government hospitals also.

  • By giving affordable medicines.

  • By holding free health camps.

  • By giving free medicines to poverty stricken community.

  • By taking strict action against corrupts.

  • By providing awareness among poor and illiterate people.


As we have seen in COVID-19, people are not even getting beds for treatment, the government should make proper health infrastructure and ensure their implementation, doctors and everyone should understand that ‘Life is more precious than money’ regardless of whom it belongs to. We should also be more attentive towards our health and follow the guidelines by doctors or medical instructors.



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