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An ode to the ones who guide

Another Teacher's Day approaches, another flurry of messages and thoughtful gestures. Gratitude and respect emerge as the most used terms. Seldom does anybody mention love, it is not the familial kind or the one that stems from camaraderie but one that is borne out of gratitude and respect. In a world that is always so willing to fight, love is often the only thing worth holding on to. In a world so full of violence, the knowledge you gave was worth a billion treasures.

A lot of us lost a lot of things to this pandemic, numerous nights spent thinking that this isn't how it was supposed to be. Laments of undeserved agonies and unshed tears haunt many of us. And I think you asking us in every class if we needed help and if we were doing okay was something that kept many of us afloat. We might not have said anything then, may have responded with a feeble "yes ma'am/sir" but please know that we cherished your words more than you can know. That we truly loved you for those few words that let us know that somebody cared.

Thank you for being there and we hope that those string of thankyous at the end of classes helped you too. We don't often know what to say or how to say it but believe us that we do care for you with all of our hearts. Often the only thing our unwise minds came up with was a "thank you" but I hope you understand that it carried the world with it. And we are here for you too.

Alas, once again much of what we feel, we can't convey with words. One could go on and on, thanking you with a plethora of adjectives and synonyms. But at the end of it all, the only thing that remains is that we have loved you and we hope your lives are content and sorrow is a rare visitor.

Gratitude and respect always...


1 comentário

Rekha Kumari
Rekha Kumari
30 de ago. de 2021

Thank you and love you all 😍😘🤗

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