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  • Chaitanya Sunil Bhardwaj

Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane

Artificial intelligence is basically a technology that allows the machines to impart human- like behaviour. Using this, machines are programmed to mimic human behaviour using extensive data from past examples or experiences of human interaction. These can range from seemingly insignificant bots that edit information on the internet, to the most famous ones like SOFIA. These machines with

the help of AI can do everything that a human does and even better than we do.

We have reaped several benefits from the exponentially developing field of AI. From using them to serve at restaurants to handling big machinery in factories, AI is now an evolving field with its applications almost everywhere.

However, the question now is a little complex. Is AI dangerous for us. Many people say eventually it will be. As we put more and more focus on improving its cognitive abilities, we are putting more and more efforts into increasing the non-human percentage of intelligence, as said by Elon Musk.

A big concern for scientists around the world is if AI is gaining consciousness. Even the neural networks of these AI are extremely similar to the neurons in our brain. Many instances have indicated to the same where robots have responded or talked about human annihilation.

"As we put more and more focus on improving its cognitive abilities, we are putting more and more efforts into increasing the non-human percentage of intelligence"

Whenever the question of AI getting out of control comes into highlight, the instant answer provided is that, it is still controlled by humans, they might be smarter but not independent enough to have thoughts. But if AI is gaining consciousness, it is a big threat to people. Even if the possibility of AI having thoughts is just someone overthinking, still the increasing capabilities of AI makes it the biggest weapon with easy access if it falls into the wrong hands.

The ability to have consciousness eventually leads to having thoughts which automatically makes the said thing an individual. Companies continue to deny the fact, since considering it an individual will strip them the ownership of their biggest asset. But are we ignoring a big future crisis only because we want to and we, very conveniently can?

Or even when we cannot afford to?



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