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  • Damayanti

Danionella: a promising new model to study neurophysiology

In biological science, the term model organism stands for a particular species that is studied extensively to understand a specific biological phenomenon. Animal models are most widely used in the fields of behavior genetics, biological psychiatry, and neurophysiology. The genomic data of the organism should be well- documented before choosing it. In neuroscience, one more criterion for choosing a model organism is the relative simplicity of its neural network.

"Despite having the smallest known adult vertebrate brain, D. translucida displays a rich set of complex behaviors, including courtship, shoaling, schooling, and acoustic communication"

In the field of neuroscience, most studies are carried out on rodent models, considering their proximity to humans in terms of evolution, anatomy and behavior. Using fish as a model organism in this case, is relatively unusual. However, zebrafish (Danio rerio), which is a major model organism in all branches of biology, has been used in neurosciences too. Now, a newer genus of fish, called Danionella, is being explored as a model for neurophysiology. And the reasons for that are worth looking at.

Danionella fish are just a little longer than a fingernail and come from Myanmar and northeastern India. And the fun fact is that these fish had been used in neurology labs long before they had been identified as independent species. Its unique feature is that it has an an open skull roof and small brain that is easily studied in situ at the cellular level under a microscope. The most commonly studied species, D.translucida, remains small and transparent even in adulthood, when neural circuits and behavior have matured.

Despite having the smallest known adult vertebrate brain, D. translucida displays a rich set of complex behaviors, including courtship, shoaling, schooling, and acoustic communication (which is largely unusual in fishes . Having a small and translucent body enables easy mapping of neural networks.

Danionella is closely related phylogenetically, to Zebrafish. Therefore, their genomes have many similarities and the existing genomic, anatomical and behavioral tools and research methods can be easily applied to Danionella.

Considering all these factors, one can easily expect breakthrough research in the field of neurophysiology, using Danionella as a model. Meanwhile, as students of science, we can try to explore more about this very unique animal and understand is importance.



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