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  • Mansi

Dementia-a chronic brain condition

Dementia is a name for a group of symptoms that commonly include problems with memory, thinking, problem solving, language and perception. So the people with Dementia may not be able to think well enough to do normal activities, such as getting dressed or eating. Thus, Dementia itself is not a disease, but a syndrome (a group of signs or changes in the body that are typical of an illness). It worsens over time but medications might slow down the symptoms.

There are many different types of Dementia. For example- Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Frontotemporal Dementia and Parkinson's Disease. The most common cause of Dementia is Alzheimer's Disease (50-70%).

Now let's talk about the different types of Dementia which is already mentioned above.

Alzheimer's Disease - Experts think that 50-70% of people with Dementia have this disease. Symptoms of it include:

  • Memory loss and confusion(For e.g., what day or year it is)

  • Have problem while speaking and writing

  • lose things and unable to backtrack to find them

  • Show poor judgement

  • Have mood and personality changes

Vascular Dementia (25-30%)-If a person gets this type of Dementia, it's usually because they've had a major stroke, or one or more silent strokes, which happen without them realizing it.


  • Begins with poor judgement or trouble planning, organizing, making decision

  • Trouble speaking or understanding speech

  • Being confused or agitated

  • Changes in personality and mood

  • Problem walking and frequent falls

Dementia With Lewy Bodies-DLB (15-20%)-Lewy bodies are microscopic deposits of a protein that form in some people's brain. These protein deposits are named ''Lewy bodies " after the scientist Fritz Jacob Heinrich Lewy who discovered them. These deposits are found in the part of the brain called cortex.

Symptoms -

  • Problem thinking clearly, making decisions, or paying attention

  • Visual hallucinations i.e., seeing things that aren't there

  • Unusual sleepiness during the day

  • Periods of ''blanking out''

Parkinson's Disease - The person with nervous system disorders get this for about 50-80% time. This type is very similar to DLB.

Frontotemporal Dementia - This occurs because of the cell damage in areas of the brain that controls planning, judgement, emotions, speech ,and movement. Symptoms include: Muscle spasm, problem coming up with the right words for things when speaking.

Memory loss is a common symptom of Dementia. However, memory loss by itself does not mean you have Dementia.


2 commentaires

06 juil. 2023

Nice content bro

07 sept. 2023
En réponse à

Thanks a lot!

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