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  • Namrata Arora

Democracy of India

Democracy is a form of government in which rulers are elected by the people of a nation, through free and fair elections, on the principle of universal adult franchise, and governed on the basis of certain fundamental rules, like a constitution.

Now, we are going to talk about the democracy of India. India is the world's largest democratic nation. It had been ruled by several kings, emperors and Britishers for

centuries. In 1947, India was established as an independent democratic nation. As Abraham Lincoln said "Democracy is a government of people, by the people, and for the people". The citizens of India have also been given the right to choose their own government. They elect Prime Minister, President, MP (Central level), Governor, MLA (State level) and many other representatives for the country.

India is staying as one unit despite having vast number of cultures, languages

and religions. That is very difficult for a country. In India, Democracy is the starting point of any society’s growth. It improves the chances to take good decisions. It provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts and also enhances the dignity of citizens. It is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct our own mistakes.

But still, India is considered as a flawed democratic nation.

The Economist Intelligence Unit based in London releases Democracy Index for countries around the world every year. According to this report, India has been placed at 41st place in the list of 167 countries and in the category of Flawed Democracy countries. In the last 11 years, India got the lowest score in both 2017 and 2018 equally. But India, which is included in the Asia and Australia group, has got the sixth place. India has got a total of 7.23 marks.

Reasons For the Failure of Democracy in India–

According to the report, IDENTITY POLITICS is the main feature of Indian politics. That is, the practice of voting on the basis of one face of any party is effectively working here. This is the reason why a general candidate who does not belong to

any party has to struggle a lot to ensure their victory. The report also praised India's free and fair election process. This is the reason why India has got 9.17 marks in terms of election process. But on the other hand, 6.79 points have been given

regarding the working style of the government.

At the same time, the working style of the government in terms of farmers,

employment and institutional reforms has also been questioned. This is the reason

why India has been kept in the category of countries with faulty democracy.

While we take pride in belonging to the world's largest democracy, these are issues that we must give a thought to.



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