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  • Preeti

Eating Sea Squirts May Reverse the Sign Of Ageing

These animals embody a group of substances called plasmalogens, which are essential to various bodily processes. Plasmalogens occur naturally in our bodies– especially in the brain, heart, and immune cells – but they tend to decease as we age, often leading to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Aging is a series progressive physiological changes in an organism that lead to senescence, or a decease of biological functions and of the organism’s ability to acclimatize to metabolic stress.

With the recent developments in sciences, researchers are trying to increase the longevity of mankind and with the bygone years research into longevity and healthy aging has progressed rapidly.

A new study disclosed in the journal Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences has claimed that supplementing a diet with the marine organisms Ascidiacea – also known as sea squirts – overturns the main signs of aging in animal models such as mice.

Sea Squirt or the Ascidian most commonly known as tunicate belonging to subphylum Urochordata, is a marine animal that companionate some primitive vertebrate features, with an outer casing called a tunic, made up of cellulose-like substance precisely termed tunicin.

This little being is a potato-shaped sessile organism that finds its terrain in all seas from the intertidal zone to the greatest depths.

Its bizarre feature of retrogressive metamorphosis makes this creature different from other urochordates. The larval form of this tunicate is very agile and then it metamorphoses to acculturate to idle life adhering to a rocky anchorage all their life and harnessing the passing water current through their large perforated pharynx to cumulate microorganisms on which they vogue.

These animals embody a group of substances called plasmalogens, which are essential to various bodily processes. Plasmalogens occur naturally in our bodies– especially in the brain, heart, and immune cells – but they tend to decease as we age, often leading to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Researchers used mice to study the effect of these plasmalogens for the reversal of aging. With the addition of plasmalogens in the diets of the aged mice, the scientists encountered that these supplements had exclamatory effects on the animals’ learning abilities and physical characteristics. An additional effect was also observed in aged mice fed with the plasmalogens as they grow new black hair that was thicker and glossier than aged mice not fed the supplement.

One of the researchers Professor Fu explained that these plasmalogens strikingly increase the number of molecules aiding in the growth and development of neurons and synapses in the brain thus promoting neuroregeneration. These plasmalogens also altered the structural properties of synapses thus affecting the transmission of impulses between neurons.

To stop neurodegeneration and promote neuroregeneration the oral intake of plasmalogen supplements can be a feasible therapeutic strategy to ameliorate cognitive function in aged people,” Professor Fu claimed as well.

Hence this won't be unrealistic in future that you could be young by swallowing a pill as long as it contains sea squirts.



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