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  • Janice George

How science supports pets for improving mental health

Pets are one of the greatest blessing anyone can have in the life. They love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet's life is to make their owner happy. As a "paw"rent of a dog, I have seen him showing joy by wagging his tail whenever I'm back home. He has been with me when I am going through emotional breakdown. He always tries to make me happy.

Coming to the scientific aspect of having a pet:

"Pets can increase serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine levels” says Dr. Larena Davis (counselor and clinical director), and these hormones are associated with feelings of happiness and elevated moods. Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

An anthropological research has found cats domesticated themselves in South Asia and befriended humans for a mutually beneficial relationship!

Pets provide infinite amounts of love that reduces feelings of stress, loneliness, sadness, and other negative emotions. During the pandemic lockdowns a huge rise in adopting pets was there and according to a 2021 study from Malaysia, pets seemed to boost mental health and well-being during those periods of isolation.

Nowadays animal-assisted therapy programs have become an important part of mental health treatment. They have ability to understand emotions of its owner and behave accordingly. Therapy dogs are especially good at this. They’re sometimes brought into hospitals or nursing homes to help reduce patients’ stress and anxiety.

Having specially- trained service dogs for persons with disabilities is a great way to support them. A study found that dogs can help children with ADHD focus their attention.

In short, having a pet can help in reducing childhood anxiety, maintaining hormonal balance, at times can help in increase in physical activity, reduces stress and increases mental health and overall happiness.

Whichever animal a person feels connected to is the best animal for them to have as a pet. For some people it is dogs, cats, birds, but for others it’s horses or lizards.

Pets can be the best therapist, so go and get one.

( P.S.- All images are of the writer's pets, provided by the writer herself!)


9 commenti

05 lug 2022

Nice one Janice🤜🤛

Mi piace

03 lug 2022

Excellent work Janice 😊

Mi piace

03 lug 2022


Mi piace

02 lug 2022

Nice one 🙂

Mi piace

02 lug 2022


Mi piace
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