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  • Deeksha

Importance Of Science Communication

“Science isn’t finished until it’s communicated,” says Sir Mark Walport, the U.K. government’s chief scientific advisor.

Back in 1865, when Mendel, the father of genetics, published his work on “Inheritance of genes,” it remained unrecognized from 1865 to 1900, along with several other reasons, one being poor communication procedures to publish a research work or spread scientific ideas. Until 1900, when his work was rediscovered and expanded with better means of communication.

Before diving into the importance of science communication, let us introduce ourselves to science communication a little. It is the practice where we transmit scientific ideas, discoveries, research, and other science-related topics to people with no science background in a way that they can understand. Here comes the need for measures that can help communicate these ideas to our audience. We call it science communication i.e.,

“The ability to discuss science in terms that your audience will understand.”

If we look around, we find there are several efforts made to make the general public aware of science, be it on television, where weather forecasters are talking about extreme climate changes and explaining the scientific basis of it or in local newspapers creating separate columns or headlines for science-related topics and discoveries. This practice of making science more understandable to the public in one form or another is important as it makes more people aware of science-related topics that affect their everyday lives. What are the side effects of the medicines they are taking? How can they prevent themselves from developing a particular disease? Etc. It works to bridge the gap between the general public and scientists, thus increasing trust in the scientific basis of things and promoting a scientifically literate society and better policymaking.

Instead of remaining hidden behind the doors of offices and universities, science must be open, understandable, and available to the general public. Everyone should be able to comprehend science when it is communicated in an accessible language.



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