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  • Bhavna Meena

Lunar Cycle and Menstruation- Are They Related?

Menstruation is a cyclical process, as are the phases of the Moon -- Age-old parallels between the menstrual cycle and the phases of the moon have likely also led to some females referring to their periods as “moon cycles” to this day. --Is there really a link between lunar cycles and menstrual cycles?

Some people believe that the moon affects the menstrual cycle. Research on this point has reached mixed or weak conclusions. Analysis reports that, in a previous study of more than 300 females, there was a correlation between the full moon and the beginning of the menstrual period.

The researchers found that menstrual rhythms varied greatly among the women and over time within individuals. Evaluating the six women who kept records for the longest—between 19 and 32 years—they found that five of these women’s periods were intermittently coupled with the moon. When dates for an individual woman were combined, there was a significant association of menses onset with the full moon and new moon, but not with other parts of the luminance cycle.

Similar to other studies, they found that the average duration of younger women’s periods was 29.4 days than 26.3 days in older women than 35. Because younger women’s cycles are closer in length to the moon’s 29.5-day luminance cycle, the researchers suspected that their periods would couple with the moon more often than those of older women would. Combining the younger women together, they found that, sure enough, younger women’s menses onsets synced with the new or full moon of the moon’s luminance cycle 23.6 percent of the time, on average. Older women synced with the full moon just 9.5 percent of the time on average.

Researchers analyzed long-term data from women and found that for some their periods synced with lunar light and gravity cycles at certain times in their lives.



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