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  • Deeksha

Memory and Retention

Being student , memorizing and retaining information is something irreplaceable. Memory is the ability to remember information over a period of time or, scientifically speaking, Human memory is the process by which information and material that we come across is encoded, stored and retrieved in central nervous system of the brain.

Memory is All About Connections.

When we learn something—even as simple as someone’s name—we form connections between neurons in the brain. These synapses create new circuits between nerve cells, essentially remapping the brain. This memory can be stored in three forms- sensory, short term and long term memory.

"Human memory is the process by which information and material that we come across is encoded, stored and retrieved in central nervous system of the brain."

Sensory memory perceives, records and stores information that we receive from our

sensory organs.

Short term memory keeps record of the information that we have received for a shorter period of time. It is responsible for retaining information that we are currently aware of or thinking about on the other hand in long term memory the information is stored for a much more longer period of time.

Long-term memory deals with information such as facts, physical skills and abilities,

procedures and general world knowledge.

Now talking about retention of information that we come across. Retention is the process of transferring new information into long-term memory. This means you’ve effectively taken in the information and are able to recall it in the future. Without retaining what you’ve learned, it will leave your short-term memory after a certain amount of time has passed. According to various studies there are a number of techniques that can increase the durability of a memory. Many of these memorization methods are utilized in teaching and studying. A few techniques most commonly used by students are the photographic memory, mnemonics, mind mapping, exaggerated associations and many more other subjective approaches.


1 Comment

Feb 04, 2023

Elegantly written

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