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Microplastics in human placenta : A Matter of Great Concern

A matter of great concern, this has gone too far.

Scientists have found microplastic particles in the placentas of unborn

babies . Microplastics are basically particles smaller than 5mm present in the environment . Scientists revealed that these particles are capable of carrying chemicals that could lead to long term complications or upset the foetus's

developing immune system.

A group of scientists, using Raman micro spectroscopy, detected microplastic for

the first time by examining the placenta of 6 women, of which four contained microplastic content . These babies are "cyborg" babies, with bits of microplastic incorporated in their body. The researchers found 12 microplastic fragments in four of six placentas. Three of these pieces were recognized as polypropylene, a plastic commonly used for packaging food. While other pieces were harder to identify, they appeared to be man-made coating paints, adhesive plaster, nail polish. A good percentage of these particles dealt with cosmetics

and personal care products.

" Inside tissues, microplastics are considered as foreign bodies by the host organism triggering local immunoreactions, causing genetic, physical as well as mental disorders. "

The microplastic content-incorporated babies are no longer just made of

human cells, but are a mixture of biological and inorganic material. Unlike

bacteria, plastics are not biodegradable. Plastic can weaken the immune system making it more difficult for the baby's body to fight off other unwanted intruders. Other than this, microplastics have also been detected in the gastrointestinal tract of marine animals. Inside tissues, microplastics are considered as foreign bodies by the host organism triggering local immunoreaction, causing genetic, physical as well as mental disorders.

Through Raman micro spectroscopy, the Department of Life and Environmental

Science, Universitá Politecnica delle Marche of Italy, provided a great analysis

regarding this matter. During research, the experts used a strict plastic free

protocol to deliver babies in order to avoid more contamination. While further

research needs to be done on this subject, they concluded that microplastic

probably entered the women's bodies through ingestion and inhalation and then

translocated to the placentas. Having plastic in the body disturbs the immune

system and can affect the development of children. These babies are pre-polluted even before their first breath . This again proves that we need to stop plastic pollution immediately.



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09. Sept. 2021


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