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  • Devika and Malavika

Nature Walk: A deeper look into a pond

This Wednesday was one which was quite different from the rest of the week-it was cool, pleasant and there was this cold breeze fluttering past the bushes in our herbal garden. We all were very excited to go for the nature walk which was organized by Synapse. We knew it would be a different learning experience for all of us to go out and observe the things which we have only heard about through our lectures. The pleasant weather made our journey more enjoyable.

On the way to the zoology pond, we saw many plant species which we had earlier studied in our botany classes. Moreover, it was overwhelming to see a naturally maintained pond in this dry city. The purple lily was the one who captured our attention first. The leaves of Nymphaea was floating all along the pond and Spirogyra occupied the edges of the pond. There were many snails and eggs of insects on these leaves. It was so thrilling to see the movement of the snail and the way they came out of their shells. We stared at the Gambusia that were swimming in the water for a long time. Honestly speaking, I never thought that a nature walk could be this exhilarating. From the snails that rule over the Zoology pond to the tiny ,little Gambusia (one of which swam all around my palms ,biting me all around for escape) -everything was just so ….cool!

The water had a temperature of around 29 degrees and we measured the Limnetic Zone depth to be about 63cm from the surface using a Secchi disk. Then our teachers instructed us to collect some pond water and observe them under the microscope to see more organisms which we could never see directly. Observing the protozoans, rotifers etc. that we have studied in our theory classes was an electrifying experience. We saw many Euglena, Amoeba, Rotifers, and also

observed their movements keenly. Observing snail eggs was a miracle in itself. Each time we saw a new organism, we showed it to each other, our teachers and to lab staffs. I could see that the smile generated in one’s face hence got spread to the entire class. I can never forget the happiness we had when we found a microscopic nematode moving vigorously in between the Spirogyra.

"It is of great interest to me to observe the colorful, cute little chirping birds, different varieties of insects, adorable fragrant flowers etc. I used to always wonder about this phenomenal creation. Not because of being a zoology student, but because of being a part of this wonderful creation, I understand the importance of being in touch with the nature. Nature has the ability to heal any deep wound of ours."

This nature walk added a lot to our knowledge, also made us happier than ever before. A big thanks to Nisha ma’am, Yasha ma’am, Pooja ma'am, Rohit Sir, Suresh Sir and everyone involved in making this such a fun activity, for making us more close to the nature, and cheers to more.

"I remember getting all irritated and uncomfortable whenever I saw a snail or a worm some two or three years ago. As interested as I was in the study of life ,I was always reluctant when it comes to getting close with God’s tiny little creations like these, and then Miranda happened. This college and its wonderful people changed me from that young girl who was always afraid to hold even a tiny little grasshopper, to someone who now sincerely admires the wonders that they possess, and the Nature Walk being organized by The Department of Zoology, Miranda House ,I am sure, will be my perfect chance to dwell deeper into the study of life around me."


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