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The Rise of Genetic Counselling

Genetic counselling is basically a communication process, which aims to help individuals, couples and families understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, familial and reproductive implications of genetic contributions to certain health conditions.

This process involves the following aspects:

  • First is the interpretation of family and medical histories in order to evaluate the chance of disease occurrence or recurrence.

  • Education about the natural history of the condition, inheritance patterns, testing, management, prevention and support resources.

  • Counselling the families or couples, so that they can make informed choices with respect to risk assessment, family goals, ethical and religious values.

  • Support and encourage for the best possible adjustment in case the disorder affects family member and/or to the risk of recurrence of that disorder.


Genetic tests yield complex results. Understanding what they mean is

where a genetic counsellor comes in.

Genetic counsellors can help,

  • identify and interpret the risks of an inherited disorder

  • explain inheritance patterns

  • suggest treatment

  • explain possible scenarios

These are some technical terms and aspects which everybody isn’t familiar with, and this is the reason why even if you go for a genetic test, you will definitely need a genetic counsellor to understand and interpret the results. Genetic counsellors are professionals who have done masters in medical genetics and counselling skills.


The best time for genetic counselling for couples is before a woman becomes pregnant. The counsellor can help understand any risk factors. But even during pregnancy, a meeting with a genetic counsellor can be helpful. Experts say that, all pregnant women should be given the offer of going for a genetic counselling and test for Down’s syndrome, irrespective of their age, health aspects etc.

It's very important to go for genetic counselling if - a standard prenatal screening test has an abnormal result; an amniocentesis yields an unexpected result; either parents or any close relative having blood relation with you have some kind of genetic disorder or abnormality; either parent already has had children with birth defects, intellectual disabilities, or genetic disorders; the pregnant woman will be 35 or older when the baby is born.

"The best time for genetic counselling for couples is before a woman becomes pregnant. The counsellor can help understand any risk factors. But even during pregnancy, a meeting with a genetic counsellor can be helpful."

Genetic counselling was not given much importance earlier in India, but in regions like the USA and Europe, people are much more aware. Some of the reasons for its lesser importance in India were lack of knowledge and lack of awareness regarding genetic disorders and counselling, especially in rural and remote areas. But as time passed by, scientific technology and its awareness increased day by day, people started learning and understanding the same. The awareness of genetic counselling in India has increased a lot and a much greater number of people understand its importance and need in today’s time.


Finding a genetic counsellor when one needs it the most becomes very

crucial. Here are some of the ways of finding one:

  • You can pursue genetic counselling directly to better understand genetic health risks coming from your family history or genetic test results.

  • If your doctor finds any risk of abnormality in your childbirth, then he/she can directly refer you for genetic counselling.

  • Your employer or health insurance plan may offer you genetic counselling




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